Our best-selling paint colours
Picking out paint colours can be quite the challenge. Sometimes, you'd wish you were a fly on the wall, spying in other people's interiors to see which colour(s) they picked.
We totally get it - say no more! These are the paint colours that people order the most at Tintrio.
💡 Tip: not sure which paint to pick? Have a look at our how-to guides to find product recommendations per application.
Order paint per colour
You can probably tell off-whites, greyish/beige tones and greens are the most popular colours overall. The specific tints on this page are - of course - not the only ones you can order within these popular colour families. If you want to look for another shade of green, taupe, black or off-white, there's no doubt you'll find something to your liking on our page with paints per colour.