Many people go for an accent wall. This is understandable, as an accent wall makes a room look bigger and brightens up the room. But have you ever thought about a colour blocking? Instead of being limited by the corners and edges of your walls, create planes that go beyond the boundaries of your wall!
Create space in height
Can you only dream of high walls and lots of space? Don't worry, with this simple trick you can make your walls look higher in no time: instead of painting your walls all the way to the top, leave some white space.
How to make sure you paint straight and accurately?
Before you start painting, measure how far the accent colour should go. Place pencil marks on the future boundary between the two colours. Then stick tape on the horizontal line that will separate your accent colours.
Another option: If you want to create a cosy atmosphere, for example in your bedroom, it is a great idea to make your room look smaller. Then you can do the colour blocking the other way round: paint the ceiling in an accent colour and let the colour continue to the top of the walls.
Be unique
Is an accent wall too boring for you? Then paint half of a wall in an accent colour and leave the other half free. You choose whether to paint your doors with it or not.
Note: to prevent your house from looking like a colouring book, choose one accent colour in a bold colour and one white or light colour.
Cross the borders of your wall!
No more colouring inside the lines! Cross the boundaries of your wall and create large surfaces. You go as far as you like: you can also paint your floor, ceiling and door in the accent colour.

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