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High-gloss door painting: a piece of cake or a challenge?

Images: Pinterest

In the Netherlands, it is very popular to give your doors a high-gloss finish. Not only does it look exquisitely elegant, but it is also very durable. This is because a high-gloss finish ensures that your door is even better protected against weather conditions, scratches and wear.

Sounds incredible right? It certainly is, although giving your door a mirror-like look is not a simple task. This is because when you paint with a high-gloss lacquer, you can see all the little flaws even better than with a regular lacquer. To avoid those little blemishes, take a look at our handy tips first.

In the Netherlands, it is very popular to give your doors a high-gloss finish. Not only does it look exquisitely elegant, but it is also very durable. This is because a high-gloss finish ensures that your door is even better protected against weather conditions, scratches and wear.

Make sure the door is ultra clean

First prepare your surface very well. You should degrease and clean your door. Sand the surface (coarse grit, 120) and fill all holes and cracks with a fine wood filler. Actually, this is the most important part of your painting job, as the imperfections will become even more visible after painting with a high-gloss paint.

Having followed the above steps, you can sand the putty layer again with a fine grit (220) and remove dust. Ready? Then the real painting can begin. You will need to apply 2 coats of primer and 2 finishing coats.

Useful tools

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Berdy Clearline Degreaser
Content: 1 l
From €4.95 
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Polyfilla Superfijne Houtplamuur
Content: 250 g
From €6.45 
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Progold Sandpaper
Grit: Grit 100 | Quantity: 1 piece
From €1.15 
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Tintrio Reviews with ekomi.nl
Progold Sandpaper
Grit: Grit 220 | Quantity: 1 piece
From €1.15 
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How to paint a door without streaks?

First, the painting material you use is important. For the best results, start with a brand new long-haired oval brush.

Another trick is to work quickly. This has everything to do with the opening time (fluidity) of the paint. The faster you proceed, the easier it is for the paint to flow together without streaks.

Finally, it is easier to paint your door horizontally instead of vertically. Painting your door horizontally can prevent drips and thus ensure a neat finish. Although you can also just leave your door hanging if you keep in mind the correct sequences from on the illustration below.

Because the bristles of older paint brushes have sometimes become hard and this makes you more likely to get brush smudges. Therefore, it is very important to go with a soft-haired brush. If you would rather not buy a new one, soak the brush in linseed oil a week beforehand.

Can I paint a high-gloss door with a paint roller?

Professional painters recommend using a brush, but if you find this too much work, you can also use Anza's paint rollers to roll out the paint. We have one for water-based paint and one for solvent-based paint. Just make sure you roll carefully with not too much force.

First, the painting material you use is important. For the best results, start with a brand new long-haired oval brush
Another trick is to work quickly. This has everything to do with the opening time (fluidity) of the paint. The faster you proceed, the easier it is for the paint to flow together without streaks. 
Finally, it is easier to paint your door horizontally instead of vertically. Painting your door horizontally can prevent drips and thus ensure a neat finish. Although you can also just leave your door hanging if you keep in mind the correct sequences from on the illustration below.

Because the bristles of older paint brushes have sometimes become hard and this makes you more likely to get brush smudges. Therefore, it is very important to go with a soft-haired brush. If you would rather not buy a new one, soak the brush in linseed oil a week beforehand.

Can I paint a high-gloss door with a paint roller?

Professional painters recommend using a brush, but if you find this too much work, you can also use Anza's paint rollers to roll out the paint. We have one for water-based paint and one for solvent-based paint. Just make sure you roll carefully with not too much force.

Where do I begin and in which direction do I paint?

If you do prefer to paint vertically, then we recommend painting in imaginary squares as shown in the illustration. You start at number 1, followed by 2 and so on. You can see that the third field you need to paint is not next to number 2. This is for a reason. You should always continue painting on the field where the paint still flows well. If number 4 were below 1, field 1 might already be drying too much, which means that an onset and streaks might be visible in your final result.

Another important thing to know: When you have painted two squares underneath each other, it is essential to let the two flow into each other. You do this by sweeping all the brushstrokes of the upper compartment downwards and then sweeping the brushstrokes of the lower compartment upwards.

Door painting high gloss or silk gloss?

Tintrio Reviews with ekomi.nl
Sikkens Rubbol Az
From €59.45 
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The difference between a door in a silk gloss finish or a door with a high gloss aspect is quite significant. For instance, a high-gloss paint protects your door extremely well against scratches and abrasions and will therefore keep this paint layer longer intact than if you get started with a silk gloss paint.

In addition, a high-gloss obviously has more gloss and can even look like a mirror. A silk gloss paint gives only a subtle shine to your door.

Now, we do have to admit that painting your door with a silk gloss paint is a lot easier than with a high gloss paint. Do you still want to try it because you simply love it. We certainly won't declare you crazy, because it's beautiful!

Can't wait to get started?
Order now the water-based gloss paint Sigma Tigron Aqua Gloss for your interior or the solvent-borne Sikkens Rubbol AZ for your exterior.

If, after our thorough explanation, you still want to get started with another lacquer paint, check out our full range of lacquers.

Brilliant paint colours

Did you know that the colour also helps determine the shiny appearance of your paint? For example, vibrant or dark paint colours that are high in pigment will look a little more shiny.

This is why black is a very common choice when you choose to paint your door with a high-gloss paint. Vivid red and bright yellow also do an excellent job. Just look at these examples! Other common paint colour choices are a dark green or a deep greyish blue.

RAL 3020

RAL 1016

RAL 9005