Sustainability 🌱
Sustainability is an increasingly important theme. At Tintrio, too, we try to make our contribution to sustainable online shopping. Continue to read how we do so.

What we do at Tintrio
- When possible, we try to use second-hand packaging materials, in stead of purchasing new boxes. We also try to reuse packaging materials from e.g. deliveries to us or returned shipments, and so on.
- At the same time, we always carefully consider the size of the box against the size of the product. For cans of 1 and 2,5 litres, for example, we use by default custom boxes that are perfectly sized to have less spare space inside the box. That also means, these boxes don't take in unnecessary space in our deliverer's van, with which we try to contribute to more efficient and sustainable transport.
- These optimally sized boxes also require less filling materials, which is also something we've been paying much attention to over the past few years. To ship products that are smaller than the box they're in, we now mostly try to use Sealed Air cushions, whereas in the past we always used less environmentally-friendly foam chips. Our goal is to eventually replace these foam chips with sustainable filling materials in all of our shipments, while still being able to ship our products 100% safely.
- Since 2022, we've been taking it one step further, even, by sending certain paint sizes that allow package-free shipping without a box and filling materials entirely.
- We also try to send our orders in one single shipment as much as possible. For example, when three articles are ordered, and one is out of stock (and we're able to restock it within a couple of days), we prefer to keep the order aside for one or two days, to be able to ship it in its totality. That's one extra transport saved!
- Sometimes, it's in the smaller things we do. When we've finished packing an order, we recollect the packing note and re-use the paper to print a new packing note on the verso side. That way, we use half the amount of paper. No worries, used packing notes are carefully marked, so there is no confusion.
- In our warehouse, we try to make smart environmental choices, as well. For example, our forklift is 100% electrical. No fuel usage or emissions, in other words.
- We return used pallets, so they can be reused again (and again and again and again...). In 2022, our pallet supplier was able to cut CO2 emissions by 1.2 tons thanks to our returns.
- While renovating our building, which we moved to in 2021, we also included some durable provisions, such as solar panels, with which we are able to generate 10K kW. In addition, we maximally capture and reuse rainwater. On-site rainwater harvesting has benefits such as water conservation, sewer system relief, improved soil quality and reduction of CO2 emissions, contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

What our brands do
Interested in reading more about our paint brand's efforts toward sustainability? Click the logo's below for more information on their websites.
What our delivery partners do

image source: Bpost (L) - PostNL (R)
What you're doing by ordering at Tintrio
- In theory, ordering online is more environmentally friendly than individual shopping in physical stores, as packages from webshops are shipped collectively and therefore require less individual transport.
- Paint allows you to upcycle things, which is also considerate towards the environment.