S 0500-N
Please note that the above is a digital colour representation, merely serving as an indication of the colour. Screen colours are not always 100% accurate. It is therefore recommended to view the colour on a colour chart or by applying a sample.
What colour is NCS S 0500-N?
S 0500-N is a colour notation according to the Natural Color System®, or NCS.
This colour notation describes a shade of white:
- from the NCS Standard Collection (S);
- which has 5% blackness (05);
- and 0% chromaticness or intensity (00);
- and without colour components (N indicates it's a neutral shade).
How white is S 0500-N?
The advantage of NCS colour notations is that they easily allow you to see how the colour is composed, as we did in the above example. S 0500-N is a neutral, fairly bright shade of white, which might look a bit less 'harsh' compared to standard (100%) white, because of the small amount of black pigments added.
Below, you can see the shades of white that are ordered the most at Tintrio and compare them to each other.
Idea with this colour

This image serves merely as an indication and is not an exact colour representation.